Strategic Consulting
The ecosystem is evolving. Is your organization adapting?
We partner with you to evolve and expand programs, products, and services.
As guides by your side, we help you realign the growing portfolio to strategic initiatives and support your team as they execute on organizational goals.
Work with us to make sense of the changes impacting your organization, identify emerging needs, and co-create data-informed paths to achieve the desired strategic and financial outcomes.
Our inquiry-based non-nonsense approach empowers your team to reimagine what's possible.
Product Growth & Development
Develop product and program growth strategies and establish frameworks to achieve the desired outcomes
Identify strategic partners and new business models that align with selected growth opportunities
Complete market research and develop business cases for new pipeline opportunities
Evaluate, enhance, and develop existing services, programs, and products to achieve the desired outcomes
Strategic Review & Realignment
Synthesize organizational and ecosystem information into actionable insights to increase your impact
Identify growth opportunities and practices to build and manage financial reserves
Review and recommend processes, financial practices, and technical system enhancements that support desired portfolio outcomes
Establish strategies for identifying, organizing, and integrating data to support realistic scenario planning and continuous improvement
Organizations transform when people step up to lead. Are you ready to adapt your leadership approach, enhance your team’s engagement, and increase your impact?
The Success We Co-create
Partnered with Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR) to reimagine the journal's editorial structure, aligning roles with industry expectations, identifying new metrics-driven practices to assess the publication, and outsourcing editorial office management to reduce operational risks and costs.
Led a highly focused collaboration with Inovo Group (an innovation consultancy) to complete secondary market research in the medical technology sector. This engagement identified multiple new product expansion opportunities.
Engaged the American Chemical Society Publications Division and its global association partners to synthesize strategic business needs into a cohesive plan and identified financial models to support the launch of the first global multi-partner, open-access chemistry preprint database.
Led the digital upgrade of a the RNA Society's financial management system, aligned program accounting and budget processes with industry practices, and implemented improved financial management procedures to enhance efficiency. These improvements increased financial transparency, empowered the Board to reduce expenses significantly, and positioned the organization to operate effectively during the COVID emergency.
Introduced a Reserves Spending Policy to govern the use of Board-designated reserves and partnered with an external investment advisor to update the financial to match the stated risk tolerance. These changes established sustainable reserves management processes to support organizational growth.
Collaborated with the RNA Society President to support the establishment of a fundraising program and secure an anonymous gift. These efforts addressed the Board's strategic desire to diversify its revenue streams and increase capital to support new initiatives.
Partnered with Wayne State University to create a data integration strategy for student lifecycle management. The resulting data stream allowed the institution to understand the longitudinal impact of doctoral training on students and identify new program opportunities to improve long-term career outcomes.
Implemented a new faculty development program designed to introduce assistant professors to evidence-based teaching, among other skills. The successful workshop trained over 500 faculty from >180 institutions over 10 years, is self-supporting based on registration fees and operates with only logistical support from the foundation's partner.

Move forward!
Recent Consulting Clients
“Evelyn is a stand-out as it comes to consulting partners. She worked quickly to get up to speed on our organization, which allowed her to serve as a partner to the staff team. Her approach allowed her to develop a tailored and actionable timeline to assist the organization as we evaluated our scholarly journal and its future. Evelyn worked with the staff and our Executive Board and was able to clearly communicate the action items she was executing with staff and the strategic approach with the board. I look forward to partnering with her again in the future”
— Lindsay Curie, Executive Officer, Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)